Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer Hair Challenge: Days 34-45

Hey Girls! I am back from my trip! I have the first 11 days (The part when i was on my trip) and then later on I will post the rest of the pictures from the last super busy week! I hope you had a great July! I am sorry I didn't post them sooner, but life got too busy. Anyway, here are the hairstyles that I did during my trip! I am doing something a little different from the past just because I don't have time to write the instructions for every single hairstyle right now, so I will add the ones that are more complicated now, and then I'll have a poll that you can vote on to choose which hairstyles you want me to add descriptions to later. 
Have an awesome day!

(The order of the "days" is not the same way I wore them, but I did wear all of these hairstyles.)
Day 34:
This is a quick hairstyle that is super quick to do. I ended up doing this one on the plane because it was comfortable  and kept my hair out of the way.
 1. Take your hair off to one side and secure with a hair binder.
2. Take the hair just above the ponytail and separate it into two sections (so that you're making a hole in the hair)
3. Flip the ponytail through the hole. Repeat at least once.
4. (This step is optional) Create another "ponytail" a couple of inches below the first one and repeat with the new area. Continue down the length of your hair.
 Day 35:
This hairstyle is one that doesn't take much time either. Simply take all of the hair from the front inch and top of your head and start to make a four strand braid and braid it all the way down to the end of your hair. Then take the rest of your hair and put it in a ponytail at the middle of the back of your head. Twist the hair into a bun and pin in place. Wrap the braid around the bun and secure with bobby pins.

 Day 36:
This is a super quick hairstyle. it is also really similar to the three strand braided bun that I did earlier this summer, but instead of a three strand braid, use a four strand braid. It gives it more of an intricate look and seems to add more volume to the bun.

 Day 37:
This is a really popular hairstyle that works great if you're going to the beach or if its super humid outside. 

 1. Take the hair from one side of your head and create a french fishtail braid going diagonally towards the other side of your head. 
2. Once you run out of hair to add into the braid, fishtail braid regularly all the way down to the end of your hair. (try not to leave several inches of extra hair at the end.)
3. Secure with a small hair binder.
4. Wrap the end of the braid up and around the area where you began the regular fishtail braid and pin in place.

 Day 38:
This is a really fun hairstyle that is simple but looks super fun. I get compliments on it every time I wear it.
 1. Separate your hair into two equal sections as if you were going to do pigtails. (This hairstyle also works best if you part your hair in the center.)
2. Place a long scarf in your hair and make sure it hangs evenly so the ends are the same length. 
3. Then, (this is a temporary step) create a simple three strand braid with the scarf being one of the sections on the side you don't want to start with. Secure with a hair binder for the time being.
4. Take the other side of your head and make a section about two inches from the center part of your hair that goes back about 2-3 inches and separate it into two sections. (the middle/third section is the scarf)
5. Start creating a french braid but make sure you don't add any hair when it is time to add hair to the scarf section!
6. Then braid regularly the rest of the way down.
7. Take the regular braid out on the other side (the braid from step 3) and repeat the process  from steps 4-6.
 Day 39:
This is a super fast hairstyle! I took the same scarf that I used in Day 38 and used that as a headband. All I did with this hairstyle is I created a loose bun towards the top of my head and then added the scarf.

 Day 40:
This is a super-duper fast hairstyle and I don't think it really needs any explanation.
Day 41:
 This is also super easy. Take a section of hair about 1-1 1/2 inches big from the top of your head and create a french braid down to behind your ear and secure in a side ponytail.
Day 42: 
This is a fabulous hairstyle that was created by one of my favorite hairstyle bloggers. the link to her video is HERE
Day 43: 
This is a slightly tricky hairstyle that also requires super long hair. It is simple, but it might take a couple of tries to get it right. what you do is separate your hair into two equal sections and tie them in a knot twice and secure with a hair binder.
Day 44: 
This is a quick hairstyle that works great especially if your hair is a little bit wet or if you have more texture to your hair. it ended up looking a little bit messy on me because my hair is so smooth that it didn't want to stay it its proper place.
 This is like the rope braid ponytail i did a while ago but instead of having to twist to regular sections together, you are twisting a braid section and a regular section together.
 Day 45:
This is a hairstyle that I came up with because I wanted something that looks super complicated and makes people want to ask you how you do it. 
 1. create three sections on one side of your head. the front one should be a little bit smaller than the others. The middle one should be only a little bigger than the front one and the back one should be a fair amount bigger because you are going to french braid the hair over to the side where the rest of the braid is.
2. In the front section take a small section from underneath it ad braid it into a small three strand braid and secure with a small hair binder. 
3. Take the middle section and braid it into a regular three strand braid all the way to the end of the hair.
4. Then take the back section and create a french braid from the top of the opposite side of your head towards the rest of the hair. Braid in a regular three strand braid all the way down to the end of the hair. 
5. Take the hair (front section) that's not braided and weave it back and forth in between the two regular large braids to connect them.
6. Take the small braid and do the same thing but make sure it is always toward the front of the braid.
7. Secure all of the hair at the end with a small/medium hair binder.

You have to accept whatever comes along and the only important thing is that you meet it with the best you have to give.
~Elanor Roosevelt

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer Hair Challenge: Days 27-29 and 31-33

Hey Girls! I hope you had an awesome 4th of july! These are the days you missed! I hope you have an awesome next two weeks too, because I am going to be on a trip and I won't have any internet access for a while. I will update you as soon as possible when I get back, but until then I hope you have a fabulous time!
Have an awesome day!

 Day 27:
This is a hairstyle that I loved this week because it worked great for the super hot weather. It kept my hair off my face and my neck and out of the way! It also looks super cute and intricate which makes people ask you how you managed to do it!
 1. Section your hair into a triangle with the smallest point starting at the bottom right "corner" of the back of your head, and make the triangle get bigger and bigger as you go toward the top of your head. Stop when you get to just past the temple on the opposite side.
2. Put all of the rest of your hair into a ponytail out of the way.
3. Begin french braiding your hair starting in the bottom corner and braiding upwards. This is easiest if you flip your whole head upside down  and braid down toward the floor.
(But make sure you only add hair to the bottom section!!)
4. Once you reach the end of the sectioned off hair, continue braiding normally until you reach the ends of your hair. Secure the braid with a small hair binder.
5. Let loose your ponytail you made earlier and do the same triangle section thing you did before, only make sure it is smaller, and pretend like the first braid you made is the bottom of your head. Keep in mind, this section will be shorter, so you'll start the regular braid earlier.
6. Secure the second braid with a small hair binder. Let loose the rest of your hair that you have left and make a super smooth ponytail at the top of your head.
7. Twist and pin in place to create a topknot with the ponytail.
8. Take the second braid you made and wrap it around the base of the bun and pin in place.
9. Repeat with the other braid.

 Day 28:
This hairstyle is one that takes only a couple of seconds to do, and it makes your hair look a little fancy, and keeps your hair out of your face, and is great if you are trying to grow your bangs out.

 1. Create a deep side part.
2. Section off your hair from the crown of your head down in straight line.
3. French braid your hair starting at the part, going down to about the level of your ear.
4. Secure with bobby pins by criss-crossing them.
(I used about 5 to hold my hair because it has no texture and is relatively thin.)
 Day 29:
This hairstyle is one that has been circulating through the media recently. It is a super simple hairstyle that only takes a couple of minutes to do and looks very Swedish/Norwegian.

 1. Separate your hair into two sections by creating a middle part and separating all of your hair into two pigtails.
2. Braid both of the sections into pigtail braids right behind your ears.
3. Secure with small hair binders.
4. Pull up both of the braids to the top of your head and tuck the ends under the braids coming from the other direction.
5. Pin in place.
 Day 31:
This is a great hairstyle that doesn't take very long, and looks super fancy, but also a little effortless if you give it more of a slightly messy look, like I did for the pictures.
 1. Take a section about an inch to 1 1/2 inches large from your part at the front of your head.
2. Twist the front section over the back one (away from your face)
3.Take the new front section and add hair from the front of your head to it.
4. Twist that section over the new back section.
5. Repeat until you get to the opposite side of your head.
6. Make a rope braid when you run out of hair to add in and secure with a small hair binder.
7. Twist the rope braid up to just under your ear and pin in place to create a bun.

Day 32:
This is a hairstyle that is similar to the Katniss braid, but is more of a fancy version because you tuck the end of the braid into the braid on the back of your head.
1. French braid your hair starting at the beginning of the back of your head on the left side. Make sure it is loose.
2. Braid until you get to the bottom right side of your head.
3. Braid regularly until you reach the ends of your hair and secure with a small hair binder.
4. Tuck the braid in the opening under your french braid.

Day 33:
This is the hairstyle I did today! It is one that is a variation of a braided hairstyle I saw a while ago, but it is not exactly the same. I gave it my own twist. Literally :)
1. Section off the hair starting at about the middle of the top of your head to the crown of your head.
2. Make a french braid starting at your part. (Make sure the braid is pulled down and a little away from your face while you braid. Also only add hair from the side of your head, not the back.)
3. Braid until you run out of hair to add into the braid. Braid a couple of extra inches on each side just so that you can continue to braid where you stopped adding hair.
4. Let loose your hair in the section you put aside in the beginning and separate it into two even sections.
5. Cross the right section over the left section and make sure they are smooth.
6. Add the right section into the braid on the left to make a four strand braid. Braid until you reach the ends of your hair. Secure with a small hair binder.
7. Repeat with the left section by adding it to the right braid. Secure with a small hair binder.
8. Twist the two braids together and secure with a small hair binder.

You have to accept whatever comes along and the only important thing is that you meet it with the best that you have to give.
~Elanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Summer Hair Challenge: 4th of July! (Day 30)

Hey Girls! I hope you are having an awesome week! Happy Independence Day! Thank you to all of the troops who have fought for our country! We appreciate you so much! 
    Today's hairstyle is a great hairstyle for today because you can wear it two ways! I had the idea for this hairstyle last night when I was told it is supposed to be 100 degrees Fahrenheit  today! I wanted something that would keep my hair off my face and neck so that I wouldn't have to worry or stress all over it all day. It uses a lot of braiding and a ponytail/bun depending on how you want to do it.
Have an awesome day!

 Day 30:
This is an amazing way to keep your hair off your face and neck all day, it is also a great hairstyle for the beach because then you don't have to worry about messy wet hair.

 1. create a section about an 3/4 inch to 1 inch thick starting in the middle front top of your head and  french braid backward to the middle of the back of your head. Make sure you do not make the section bigger as you add hair into the braid. I recommend sectioning out the hair you are going to put into the braid and putting the rest of your hair into a ponytail.
2. Do the same steps until you reach your ears on both sides of your hair. This should get you about 5-7 braids on the top of your head. 
3. As you finish the braids, secure them with small hair binders and add them to the hair you are sectioning away from the braid you are about to do next.
4. After you have all of the hair on top of your head done, flip all of your hair upside down and do a french braid to the middle of your head. To make it easier, bend from the waist and flip your whole head and hair upside down. Just pretend like you are braiding away from yourself.
5. Once you finish braiding your hair on the bottom, gather all of your hair into a ponytail at a common point between your french braid on the bottom and where the french braids from the top of your head end.
6. Twist your hair and wrap around the base of the ponytail to create a bun. Pin in place.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer Hair Challenge: Days 22-26

Hey Girls!
     Sorry I am so late in posting these pictures! I have been busy getting ready for my trip! Just a quick reminder, I will not be posting pictures from July 8th through the 19th. I will be gone on a trip, so I will post those when I get back. 
     The pictures for today are some that you could wear to the office, others to the beach, and one I love because it only takes about a minute to get ready. Let me know what you think of these hairstyles, and post comments, post comments, post comments!!!
Have an awesome day!

 Day 22:
This is a super fast hairstyle that takes only a couple of seconds for some people, and for others like me (with hopelessly straight and texture-less hair) this may take a little bit longer.
Thick/Texturized hair:
1. Pull your hair back into a ponytail and secure with a large hair binder.
2. Tease your ponytail a little to add extra volume.

Thin/No-Texture hair:
1. Spray all of your hair with hairspray (or other texture adding product) to add a little texture to your hair. 
2.Gather your hair into a ponytail at the middle or upper part of the back of your head. Leave some volume at the front of your head.
3. Go a little crazy with the teasing you do to the hair in your ponytail
4.Spray with hairspray.

 Day 23:
This is a fun hairstyle that I found on (they also sell some of the most cute/gorgeous/fabulous/amazing clothing and accessories I have ever seen! I got a dress there and I get compliments on it all the time) 
The link is right here: ~~~~~~~~~>Click HERE 
I added a ribbon to add a little bit of vintage-y-ness!

 Day 24:
This is a hairstyle you could wear to the office because it has a very  smooth, sophisticated yet creative look to it. 

 1. Section off the hair in front of your ear, and gather and twist the rest of your hair into a bun at the lower/middle of the back of your head. (Refer to the top picture for what I'm talking about in this step if you don't understand.)
2. Pull the rest of your hair back and start braiding it about three inches from behind your ear. (refer to the second picture)
3. Wrap the braid around the bun you created in the first step and pin in place. 

 Day 25:
This is another hairstyle you can definitely do for any sort of formal event if you want a pulled back, sophisticated yet simple type of look.

 1. Create a deep side part on one side of your head.
2. Section your hair into three sections and clamp/bobby pin/bind the front two sections of your hair out of the way.
3.Take the back section and pull it into a super smooth ponytail at the base of your head. (be super careful when you put the ponytail holder in to make sure that you don't get random bumps in your hair.
4. Twist your hair in the ponytail into a bun (Not a messy bun!)
5. Take the left section and twist it very lightly and twist around the first bun. Pin in place.(make sure the front lays super flat with the middle section!)
6. Do the same thing with the right section, making sure everything lays flat and smooth against everything else.
7. Spray the whole hairstyle with hairspray (you can use a smoothing 
product too to add to the effect)

 Day 26:
This is a great hairstyle to go with all of the super hot days we have been having all over the USA. It keeps your hair off your face and neck,  keeps you cool, and looks super cute!
 1. Section off a small area of hair from the right side of your head (and I mean really small, like, about 3 centimeters big)
2. start a french braid, but skip every other time you are supposed add hair. this will define the sections you added. Also, make sure the you grab larger sections so that you add enough to make up for the length of the braid.
3. Continue braiding until you get to the back of your head, but make sure you keep the braid on the top of your head.
4. Gather all of your hair and twist into a bun
                                                    5.Pin in place and enjoy the beach or something equally 